System Authentication

The System Authentication page within the System Configuration area allows you to determine who has access to Permission Assist and whether users can log in using single sign on.

Authorization Tab

Security Groups determine who has access to administrative, security, remediation, and reporting rights within Permission Assist. The System Authentication area allows you to assign Active Directory groups or users to Permission Assist Security Groups. The following table describes each group and what access is allowed for each group:




Members of this group have access to the following:

  • System Configuration – administrators are allowed full access to the System Configuration settings (which determine how Permission Assist works). For example, they can update the Permission Assist license, define workflow settings, determine who is assigned to these Permission Assist groups, and so on.

  • Manage – administrators have limited access to the features within the Manage menu including the following:

    • Identities – administrators have full access to view Identity information including the Active Directory groups, applications, and Permission Assist responsibilities for each Identity. They can also reassign Permission Assist responsibilities using the 'On Behalf Of' feature.

    • Applications – administrators have full access to these features.

    • Administrators may have access to other features within Permission Assist if they also belong to another group.

Security Team

Members of this group have access to the following:

  • Manage:

    • Reviews – the security team is primarily responsible for creating and managing reviews so they have full access to these features.

    • Applications – the security team is primarily responsible for adding applications and importing data so they have full access to these features.

    • Identities – the security team has full access to view Identity information including the Active Directory groups, applications, and Permission Assist responsibilities for each Identity. They can also reassign Permission Assist responsibilities using the 'On Behalf Of' feature.

    • Entitlement Roles – people within these groups have full access to these features; no other groups are allowed access to Entitlement Roles; however, Application Managers also have limited access to Entitlement Roles (see the description for Application Managers in the "info" below this table).

    • Separation Rules – people within these groups have full access to these features; no other groups are allowed access to Separation Rules.

  • Review Items Taskboard – the security team has full access to all reviews and features within the Review Items Taskboard.

  • Change Management Taskboard – the security team has access to view remediation access requests and to initiate personnel events. They cannot complete access requests unless they either belong to the Provision Team, they are a Provision Engineer for a specific application, or they are required to verify the remediation access request before the request can be considered complete (defined in the System Configuration > Taskboards > Reviews > Starting Remediation area).

  • Reports – the security team has full access to view reports under the Reports menu.

The security team does not have access to any System Configuration functions unless they also belong to the Administrators group.

Provision Team

Members of this group have full access to the features within the Change Management Taskboard and are be able to make decisions on remediation access requests for all applications.

They do not have access to any other features within Permission Assist unless they also belong to another group.

Personnel Managers

Members of this group have access to the following:

  • Operations - personnel managers have access to view and create personnel events such as onboarding, offboarding, role transitions, and leaves of absence.

  • Change Management Taskboard – personnel managers can view access requests related to personnel events on which they are the "reporter" (which usually means the one to create the event). They cannot complete access requests related to their events unless they belong to the Provision Team or they are a Provision Engineer for a specific application.

Reporting Only

Members of this group have access to view reports under the Reports menu and are able to view and print data for all reviews and applications. They do not have access to any other features unless they also belong to one of the other groups mentioned above.


Members of this group have the ability to log in and take action as another user. When someone logs in and takes action as another user, their actions are logged within the database. Impersonation data is retained for 18 months.


There are other roles within Permission Assist that are not determined based on the groups on this page: 




Assign AD Groups or Users to a Permission Assist Security Group

To assign an Active Directory group or user to a Security Group, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a security group within the list. The details panel appears.

  2. Select the Actions button () in the upper right corner of the details panel, and pick one of the following options:



    Add Identity

    Select this option to add a single Identity to the Permission Assist security group; the Add Identity box appears.  Multiple Identities may be added (one at a time).

    To add an Identity:

    1. In the Select an identity field, type the name of the identity or scroll down and pick the identity from the list.

    2. Select Save. The new Identity is displayed within the details panel.

    Add Directory Group

    Select this option to add everyone within a specific Active Directory group to the Permission Assist Security Group; the Add Directory Group box appears. Multiple groups may be added (one at a time).

    To add a group:

    1. In the Select a directory group field, type the name of a Active Directory group or scroll through the list to find the group and select it.

    2. Select Save. The new group displayed within the details panel.

  3. When Permission Assist Security Groups are set up, you can test that people have been given appropriate access to Permission Assist by selecting the Test Authentication button on the upper right corner of the page.


Single Sign On Tab

Permission Assist allows you to set up Single Sign On (SSO) through an OpenID Provider. To set up SSO, enter information into each of the following fields as needed:




Select one of the following options:




When this option is selected, people will log in to Permission Assist using their regular Windows/network user name and password.


When this option is selected, the Permission Assist login page will look similar to the following:

People can either select the button to log in to Permission Assist through SSO immediately or they can wait to be automatically logged in. Selecting the Sign in with a user name link allows them to enter their regular Windows/network user name and password.

The name of the login button is customizable using the "Instructions" field described further below.


When this option is selected, people are automatically logged in to Permission Assist through SSO. If the person is not currently logged in to your OpenID Provider, they will be redirected to that application so they can log in.

If you're using "forced" SSO login and you need to log in using the recovery password, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the Permission Assist URL in the address bar at the top of your browser and then add /account/recover to the end of the URL.
    For example:

  2. After pressing the ENTER key, the account recover login page appears (see picture below).

  3. Enter your account recovery password (defined in the System Configuration > General Settings > System Recovery tab). You'll be logged into Permission Assist as an Administrator.


Redirect Timeout

This option is primarily used with the Preferred option described above, and determines how long people have to wait before they are automatically logged in to Permission Assist


Use this field to enter a customized Login button when single sign on is enabled. For example - if you're using Workforce Identity, you could change the button name to say "Log in with Workforce Identity"

OpenID Provider

The following OpenID providers are available:

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Okta Auth0

  • Okta Workforce Identity

  • Ping Identity PingOne


Advanced Configuration

Use the instructions on the right side of the page to complete the information in each of the Advanced Configuration fields. The fields of information within the Advanced Configuration area and corresponding instructions will vary depending on which OpenID provider is selected.


When all information is complete, select the Save button to save your settings and enable single sign on.



Login Attempts Tab

This tab allows you view all attempts to log into Permission Assist within the last 90 days. Within this list, you can see who attempted to log in, whether the attempt was successful, and the request details associated with the attempt.

To search for a specific user, enter the user name (or part of a user name) into the Search field (see picture below).


For each attempt to log in, the following information is displayed:

Column Description
Date Displays the date the user attempted to log in
Username Displays the username of the user attempting to log in
Authentication Method Indicates whether they attempted to log in with cookies, which means they attempted to log in through the login page, or whether they logged in using an Open ID provider (SSO)
Was Successful Indicates whether the attempt to log in was successful (true = yes; false = no)


To view additional details about a login attempt, select an attempt within the list. The Login Details panel is displayed, which provides additional technical information that may be helpful for troubleshooting.